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  • Writer's pictureMu Mei Hsueh

Practice the World language pedagogy test- Essay

Updated: Nov 6, 2023

Read the following question and write an essay on the topic given. Write your response in the space provided.

Make sure that your essay includes reasons and/or examples to support your opinion.

Manage your time so that you have enough time to plan, write, and revise your essay. Typically, an effective essay will contain a minimum of 150 words.

(The above information was cited from the World Languages Pedagogy (5841) Practice Test)


  1. The rubric doesn't include enough details to offer a meaning feedback to support students' improvement. For example, the Pronunciation could include the tone and phonics. The purpose of language is for communication. As a result, the rubric should also offer the details to explant if the mistake would effect peoples' understanding.

  2. Range and accuracy issue, some criteria only assess the range but not accuracy, some of the others are opposite.

  3. According to the rubric, students who make "No mistakes" can get the highest score, but this may cause fixed-mindset and other negative affections during the learning progress. For instance, a student may tend to choose simple, easy language in order to make fewer mistakes. On the other hand, a student that takes more risks by using a wider range of language features is more likely to make mistakes, but the quality of their communication is also likely to be higher.

*According to this rubric, if a student makes no mistakes with grammar or pronunciation, then they can receive the highest grade, but this ignores important aspects of communication. For instance, a student that takes more risks by using a wider range of language features is more likely to make mistakes, but the quality of their communication is also likely to be higher than a student who took no risks but made fewer errors.


  • Using positive sentence: I would suggest to change the "Mistakes" and "No mistakes" to "Need to improve" and "Excellent", also add "Good" and "Fair" between.

  • Add more details below the criteria numbers : Such as "the grammar mistakes cause the listener not able to understand the meaning at all", "some grammar mistakes may cause the listener to misunderstand the meaning", "there are some grammar mistakes, but they do not affect peoples' understanding of the content meaning".

  • Consider risk-taking to encourage students to try to use more complex language and learn from their mistakes to delivery the growth-mindset.

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