M3-U1-Activity 1: Students in the Digital Age

Project Description:
Before you think about instruction, you need to understand your target audience – the students. This is an observation assignment that will take you in the field and into a school. You are required to observe the characteristics, uniquenesses, issues, concerns, and capabilities of your target group of students vis-à-vis their backgrounds. By interviewing educators you will broaden and deepen your understanding of how the right type of technology can enrich the students’ educational experiences. You will also learn how differentiation can be personalized by incorporating specific technological tools. This is a clinical observation assignment in which you will visit a school, talk to teachers and students and, finally, create a process of collecting, storing, retrieving, and using student inventory. If schools are not open, you can complete this activity remotely through alternative ways as suggested in the instructions.
Performance outcomes
Candidates describe the characteristics of the student learner in the digital age
Candidates select appropriate teaching strategies for technology-enhanced instruction for students in different grade levels, English language learners, and students with special needs
What will you do?
1. In the Virtual Classroom, discuss simple questions that you will use to interview teachers about their use of technology in the classroom. Share these questions with your cohort in the Discussion Forum to get feedback and ideas.
2. Interview three different school or college teachers to learn how they integrate technology in their instruction and the questions they keep in mind when integrating technology in their lesson plans. Set a 10 question limit for your questionnaire and work towards making them concise and unique so the teachers don’t end up repeating the same answers. Alternative Activity: You may interview teaching members of your cohort, if you don’t have access to three teachers.
3. Design an age appropriate “Getting to know you” questionnaire for students in the grade level(s) you plan to teach (preschool, elementary, middle or high school) on SurveyMonkey. The questionnaire should be less than 8 questions and it should help you gauge the following information about your students:
Developmental capabilities and limitations (behavioral and cognitive)
Literacy skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing
Family background and any other social, economic, and cultural influences
Student interests, skills, and talents
Access to and use of technology
Extra-curricular activities or responsibilities, if any
Student special needs, if any Note: Be sure to put your name on the questionnaire document or file.
5. Test out your questionnaire with at least 5 students from the age group you plan to teach. If you are already teaching, you can use it with students in your own or colleague’s classroom. Alternative Activity: If you don’t have access to a school, you can test out your questionnaire with the teachers you interview to fill out the questionnaire on their students’ behalf.
6. In a vlog (video log), summarize your findings from the student survey, teacher interviews and cohort discussion on ways of integrating technology into lessons by different educational age groups such as PreK-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12, with a separate focus on English language learners, and students with special needs for each grade band. Edit your video so that is within the ideal length of 5-7 minutes long. Include your name in the video credits.
Report requirements
Questions for teacher interview on use of technology for learning
Getting to know you Student Questionnaire on SurveyMonkey with sample responses
Vlog with findings from teacher interviews and cohort discussions on use of technology
Keep and organize the student data you gather in a format that allows you to keep updating their responses with additional details about your students as you progress into the school year. This will help you design activities and learning themes that will engage your students well.
My Technology Vlog about surveys