M5 U4 Activity 2: Modifying Lessons for Language Learners
Reflection :
Throughout the process of modifying this lesson to align with ACTFL's Instructional Models, my thinking and approach were profoundly shaped by the research and resources we explored. I applied ACTFL's Instructional Models to elevate communication skills through its three modes.
Interpretive Mode/ Listening and Reading: In this mode, learners focus on understanding and interpreting language spoken or written by others.
Authentic Materials and Realia: I employ authentic materials like travel videos and related questions to establish real-world connections to our course content. These resources showcase language usage and bridge the gap between classroom learning and real-life communication. For example, students watch travel videos during class, listening to the target language while reading subtitles.
Interpersonal Mode: In this mode, learners engage in interactive communication using the target language.
Virtual Collaborative Learning: Students are virtually grouped, taking into account their strengths and weaknesses, to encourage teamwork and mutual support. They participate in discussions about their travels, using today's lessons to enhance team learning.
Role-Play and Simulation: Incorporating role-plays and simulations allows students to apply language in practical contexts. These scenarios involve negotiation, problem-solving, and communication, enhancing their communication skills.
Presentational Mode/ Speaking and Writing: In this mode, learners use language to share information, ideas, or opinions with an audience.
Travel-themed role-play: Students will work together in small groups, following a provided rubric, to create a 3-minute travel-themed role-play for their final assessment.
Overall, the lesson modification aimed to enhance communication skills using ACTFL's methods. It focused on understanding real language through activities like watching travel videos with subtitles. Students practiced talking together and problem-solving in the language, and they made short travel role-plays as their final test. The changes aimed to make learning more practical and aligned with ACTFL's approach to communication skills.
Utilizing Technology to Enhance Lessons- Flipgrid
Flipgrid enhances language learning across domains:
Speaking: Students record speeches, dialogues, or readings to practice pronunciation and receive feedback.
Listening: They respond to audio/video prompts, check comprehension, and hear diverse accents.
Reading/Writing: Integrating written tasks with video/audio assignments reinforces language skills.
Vocabulary/Grammar: Activities encourage using specific language elements in discussions or storytelling.
Cultural Exchange: Students share cultural insights, deepening language understanding.
Scaffolded Activities: Progressively challenging tasks align with proficiency levels.
Peer Interaction: Collaborative discussions foster peer learning in the language.
Differentiated Instruction: Varied prompts cater to diverse learning styles.
Feedback and Assessment: Use comments for constructive evaluation.
Multimedia Integration: Images and videos offer diverse learning experiences.
Flipgrid's interactive features enable educators to create a comprehensive language learning environment.
ACTFL. (2012). Performance descriptors for language learners. Retrieved from https://www.actfl.org/uploads/files/general/Documents/AppendixN-ACTFLPerformanceDescriptorsLanguageLearners.pdf
Hsueh, M. M. (2023, August 28). Developing instructional practices that reflect language outcomes and learner diversity [Blog post]. Retrieved from https://hmumei.wixsite.com/website/post/3-developing-instructional-practices-that-reflect-language-outcomes-and-learner-diversity
Hsueh, M. M. (2023, August 11). The 3 Modes of Communication [Blog post]. Retrieved from https://hmumei.wixsite.com/website/post/the-3-modes-of-communication
Johnson, M., Skarphol, M., (2018). The effects of digital portfolios and flipgrid on student engagement and communication in a connected learning secondary visual arts classroom. Retrieved from Sophia, the St. Catherine University repository website: https://sophia.stkate.edu/maed/270
Online Tools for Teaching & Learning Designed by students in EDUC 390D, 592A, & 692D at the University of Massachusetts Amherst." (n.d.). Flipgrid. Retrieved from https://blogs.umass.edu/onlinetools/community-centered-tools/flipgrid/#:~:text=Flipgrid%20elevates%20text%2Dbased%20discussion,short%20video%20about%20the%20topic!
UO Center for Applied Second Language Studies. (2021, January 18). The ACTFL Modes of Communication [Video file]. InterCom Live. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fEW-eSKTQ20