M3 U3 Activity 2: Project based Learning

Project Description
It is no coincidence that many effective teaching strategies and techniques require 21st Century skills. Project-based learning (PBL) is a holistic instructional strategy that brings students as close to real world applications as possible in an educational context. It requires learners to use 21st Century skills at discrete points and for specific processes and procedures of the activity. Projects give students the freedom to explore various connections between concepts outside of the prescribed mode of instruction and allows them to be cross-curricular learning moments. Projects also allow students to personalize work and be creative in their interpretations and delivery mechanisms. Well-designed projects can lead to deeper learning experiences for students. In your teaching, you need to identify and define how 21st Century skills are actually realized and used in your activities and how you can design and implement strategies so that learners maximize their meaningful use of these target skills. One way to do this is to design a cross-curricular STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) project.
Performance outcomes
Candidates will collaborate with peers and design a cross-curricular STEAM based project across grade levels that requires students to use 21st century skills and achieve deeper learning of the subject matter.
What will you do?
As a cohort or small group, begin designing a collaborative, cross-curricular, STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) project for students that require them to use 21st century skills. Research project-based learning (PBL) principles when designing your project.
This first week, brainstorm with your cohort or small group about a global theme or world problem on which you can design the cross-curricular project. Note that next week, each member of the group will be designing specific project activities based on the grade/subject they plan to teach.
Examine the following 21st Century Skills from 21st Century Knowledge and Skills Framework in the Activity Resources and brainstorm how students will use each of these skills within the STEAM project that you will create:
Problem solving
Critical thinking
Information, media, and technology skills
Interdisciplinary themes (e.g. global issues, environment, conservation, etc.)
Cross-disciplinary themes
Other 21st Century skills relevant to your activity
4. Use Google Site or Wix (or a similar website creation tool) to create the following sections:
Project Theme and Goals
Cross-curricular goals
Description of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math) components used in the project (at least 4 out of 5 components)
Student use of specific 21st Century skills (this can be edited next week)
Report requirements
Google Site or Wix on STEAM Project theme and goals, and student use of 21st Century skills
Notes If you create a Google Site with your TEACH-NOW account, it won’t be accessible to share outside the TEACH-NOW community, i.e. anyone without a TEACH-NOW email. Consult with your group about this restriction before creating your Google Site.
Group Work