Date: Thursday, September 22, 8PM ET
Being an educator is more than just knowing how to teach content and skills. It involves caring for the social and emotional wellbeing of students. Moreland is a teacher-founded and teacher-led organization that knows how to empower teachers with tools and resources to make teaching a sustainable and impactful experience. On September 22, 2022, Moreland faculty and alumni shared experiences, expertise, and strategies to transform the classroom into a safe and nurturing environment conducive of rigor and high engagement through trauma-informed practices.
My Notes:
Reframe those bad behavior to helps us see instead of judgment: Each child who has experienced trauma is going to show it in a different way. We can reframe that to say the child is lacking power, or lacking control over themselves or environment沒有自主權.
High achieving perfectionism ended up being part of trauma.
Build safe place: Students that they can learn to control, change their behavior and experiment with new strategies in a place they feel safe.
Asking open-ended questions that to let them feel safe with what they have to contribute, and engaging in the learning. ( C think Wonder routine, Harvard's Zero project ).
Use an asset space approach to build relationship and find learner's strengths "what can they do" (require observing with intentionality to find),
Then building into the next step: feedback and maintaining our high expectation for the students. For example, I know you can reach this goal. I've seen you do (Strengths), so what do you think the next steps in your learning might be?
Clearly routine, transitions and expectations in our classroom. Having schedules up or agendas that students can see and track what we are doing the day.
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