M8 U8 Activity 1: InTASC Standards 6, 7, and 8 Video and Reflection
Project Description
Overview The three standards of Assessment, Planning for Instruction, and Instructional Strategies considered here are all related to pedagogy, also considered your core teaching skills. This includes ensuring that your students have basic literacy skills, so think about how you are teaching and developing literacy in your classroom. You will be highlighting Standards 6, 7, and 8 in your video submissions this week. Make use of the feedback you have received from your mentor, instructor, and cohort in the previous weeks. in your video, include annotations where you have implemented their suggestions in your planning, delivery, and assessment of lessons. Performance Outcomes
Candidates record their teaching practice as a means of examining and reflecting upon their practice.
Candidates demonstrate an understanding of the differences between formative and summative assessment.
Candidates create lesson plans that differentiate for various learning styles and levels that promote literacy learning and development.
Candidates effectively use strategies that are best practices to achieve deeper student learning.
What will you do?
Review Standards 6-8 in the ‘TEACH-NOW Clinical Rubric’ and ‘Ways of Thinking about the Clinical Practice’ documents. Also, review the ‘Tips and Strategies for Clinical Practice Lesson Submissions’ in the Activity Resources.
Write a detailed lesson plan for the lesson you plan to video. You must use the TEACH-NOW lesson plan template. Your lesson plan should clearly identify how you are using previous data to drive instruction through differentiation and next steps. Your lesson plan should clearly indicate where Standards 6, 7, and 8 on Instructional Practice, i.e., Assessment, Planning for Instruction, Instructional Strategies, Literacy Skills, are addressed.
Video record an entire lesson based on the lesson plan. Make sure the audio and video are both clear and understandable. The video should demonstrate your understanding and application of the content as you design and implement project-based learning.
Edit your video to the 15-20 minutes that best relate to Standards 6, 7 and 8. Include the beginning of the lesson.
Annotate the video (or write in a separate document with timestamps recorded) where elements of Standards 6, 7 and 8 are addressed.
Write or record a reflection on your lesson (approx. 500 words or 3-5 minutes) detailing what you learned about your teaching practice by watching your video. Reflect on each element of the lesson and what you would do to change the lesson if you were to teach the lesson again. If you feel you would need to reteach the concept, please mention that and tell what strategy(ies) you would use to reteach. Your reflection should be a deeper analysis of each aspect of the lesson instead of a simple summary of what happened. Include both what you did well and what needs improvement. If your video does not demonstrate how you met each element of Standards 6, 7, and 8, discuss how you are meeting those elements as part of your reflection. Note: If your instructor feels you need to demonstrate growth based on feedback, they may request that you resubmit videos later in the clinical portion of the program.
Make a video or audio recording of your debriefing session with your mentor. While audio is allowed, video is preferred.
Save your videos in the YouTube Video library by clicking on the Upload to YouTube button on the Submission page. Label each video appropriately to help your instructor find the relevant videos.
Report requirements
Edited and annotated video of your teaching based on Standard 6, 7, and 8 on Assessment, Planning for Instruction, Instructional Strategies, and Literacy Skills
Lesson plan for the lesson taught in the video
Comprehensive reflection about how you demonstrated in the video that you met Standards 6, 7, and 8.
Video or audio of debriefing with your mentor
(The above information was cited from the TEACH-NOW Teacher Preparation Certificate Program)
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