M3 U2 Activity 3: Technology Enhanced Instruction

Project Description
Overview In this activity, you will focus on creating a 21st Century learning experience for your students. You will evaluate an existing lesson plan to see how it can be converted into a technology infused lesson where students actively use technology to enhance and deepen their learning. You now have the opportunity to explore newer technology based learning strategies such as mobile learning, augmented or virtual reality, or any other technology that you have not tried before. You will also think about how the lesson can be delivered or implemented virtually or in a blended learning environment. Performance outcomes
Candidates will review a lesson plan and provide suggestions on enhancing student engagement, and deepening student learning through innovative use of technology
Candidates will ideate how lessons can be delivered in a virtual, blended vs. a physical learning environment
What will you do?
Review the ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education) standards for preparing students in a digital age. In the Virtual Classroom, discuss the different types of Mobile learning apps and AR/VR (Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality) apps for students that can lead to effective learning.
Select a lesson plan from the Activity Resources in the grade level you plan to teach, use one of your existing lesson plans, or obtain a lesson plan from a teacher you know. The lesson plan should be in the subject area and grade level that you plan to teach.
Review the lesson plan and provide feedback and suggestions on using technology to improve the learning value and student engagement in the lesson as well as help differentiate for students with special needs or English language learners. Use the Commenting and Suggesting feature in Google Docs or similar track change tools in other document apps to highlight your suggestions.
Choose a technology that you have not tried before like Augmented or Virtual Reality or Mobile learning. Review your choice of technology based on what makes most sense for your students’ ages, the subject area and specific learning objectives of the lesson, and how incorporating the selected technology can deepen the learning for the students. Modify the lesson with active uses of technology (rather than passive). For example, students use a camera app to record videos vs. watching videos on YouTube, or students create a virtual reality rather than going on a virtual field trip. If they are going to watch YouTube videos or go on a virtual field trip, incorporate some active student uses of technology in the lesson as well.
Indicate in your notes how the lesson can be delivered in a virtual or blended learning environment vs. in a physical classroom. What modifications would you make to the lesson if you were to deliver it to your students remotely, in a blended learning environment, or only in a physical classroom?
Report requirements
Reviewed lesson plan with suggestions for technology improvements
Modified lesson plan using new technology such as mobile learning or AR/VR with notes for implementation in alternative learning environments such as virtual or blended vs. a physical classroom
(The above information are cited from TEACH-NOW Teacher Preparation Certificate Program)