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  • Writer's pictureMu Mei Hsueh

Lesson Plan Practice for Praxis Test

Updated: Sep 12, 2023

Class Objectives

  1. Students will identify and recognize vocabulary and grammar related to the topic.

  2. Students will label and explain the meaning of the vocabulary words in the target language.

  3. Students will compare and contrast the cultural aspects of the topic with their own culture.

  4. Students will evaluate cultural differences and analyze their significance.

  5. Students will create a 5-minute presentation showcasing the cultural differences and insights.


  • Formative assessment

  1. Bell ringer activities(per assessment),

  2. observation,

  3. quiz,

  4. worksheet,

  5. 3.2.1. exit ticket

  6. Peer-review with criteria

  7. self-evaluation with criteria

  • Summative assessment:

  1. Group (PPT) Presentation with rubric


Topic terms in a handout (e.g., ……)

  1. Novice: Basic question words: who, what, where, when, and present tense.

  2. Intermediate: Emotions and feelings: excited, surprised, Connectors and transitions: however, therefore, in addition, and in past tense and future as needed.

  3. Advanced: Academic phrases: it is worth noting, and perfect tense, continuous tense,


  1. Chinese Textbooks and Workbooks

  2. Online Resources: kahoot, Edpuzzle

  3. Audio Materials: Podcasts, audiobooks

  4. Videos and Movies: YouTube videos

  5. Authentic Texts: news articles, short stories

  6. Writing Practice: Worksheets


Day 1: (Remember & understand) Introduction to Vocabulary and Grammar

1st - Warm up:

  1. Greeting

  2. Bell ringer activities: "Question of the Day". As students enter the classroom, they will engage in a short individual activity relate to the lesson objectives. For example, they can write down what they already know about the topic and their most pressing questions.

  3. Emotions check-in & Review the class norms.

2nd part- Introduction & Cooperative Learning:

  1. Introduce Today's objective to the class: I will be able to...

  2. Interaction: As a whole group, review the bell ringer activity and lesson objectives to understand the learners' strategies and reasoning.

  3. Whole group instruction with "read-aloud think-aloud activity". The teacher selects a news article and introduces both the topic of the text and the relevant vocabulary words. Then, the teacher reads the article aloud while directing students to listen for the target vocabularies. During the reading, students are encouraged to discuss and predict the meanings of these words. The teacher guides the students to create their own sentences that relate to their real lives, incorporating the new vocabulary.

  4. Cooperative Learning with Guided Support: Holding writing workshops with worksheets to let students work together in groups. They can discuss and practice the new vocabulary and grammar they've learned

3rd part- Re-Assessment & Exit ticket:

  1. Evaluate learners' performance and shout out or celebrate standout student work.

  2. 3.2.1. Exit ticket: Students share 3 things they learned, 2 things they liked , and 1 question they still have. Review the learning objectives, assess if students have met them, and address any remaining questions.

Day 2: (Apply & analyze) Apply the vocabulary and compare cultural aspects

1st part- Warm up: Same as the 1st day.

2nd part- Today's objective & Cooperative Learning:

1. Short Review the previous lesson with quiz.

2. Introduce Today's objective to the class: "I will be able to..."

3. Interaction: As a whole group, review the bell ringer activity and lesson objectives to understand the learners' strategies and reasoning.

4. Groups instruction with "Jigsaw activity" activity:

-Organize students into smaller, heterogeneous groups.

-Assign each group a unique aspect or strategy from the topic. They become "experts" by researching, discussing, and learning collaboratively from textbook, authentic resources.

-Bring the class back together post-Jigsaw activity.

-Invite each "expert" group to share their findings and insights to the entire class and teacher or peer can give feedback and discuss together.

3rd part- 3rd part- Re-Assessment & Exit ticket:

Day 3: (Evaluate & Create )Understanding Cultural Differences: Creating Informative Presentations

1st part- Warm up: Same as the 1st day.

2nd part- Today's objective & Cooperative Learning:

1. Short Review the previous lesson with quiz.

2. Introduce Today's objective to the class: "I will be able to..."

3. Interaction: As a whole group, review the bell ringer activity and lesson objectives to understand the learners' strategies and reasoning.

4. Groups instruction with "Station-rotation activity:" to rotate through each stations. Including:

-Teacher station: Guild and direct the students how to meet the rubric on their group presentation witch related to the topic.

-Technology station: Student watch cultural tour video or documentaries on Edpuzzle, and participate in online discussions.

-Collaborate station :Students work together to create a 5 minutes PPT presentation as a summative assessment to compare, evaluate cultural differences and analyze cultural aspects of the topic with their own culture.

-After completing the station-rotation activity, bring the students back together as a whole group. Each group will take turn and have 5 minutes to delivery their presentation.

3rd part- 3rd part- Re-Assessment & Exit ticket:

  1. Peer review with criteria: Students will review and provide constructive feedback on their peers' work. Following this, the group can discuss their reasons for liking and providing feedback for improvement.

  2. Self-evaluation with criteria: Students reflect on their own learning progress and identify areas for improvement. Students assess their work, skills, and understanding in relation to specific learning goals or criteria.

  3. (PPT) Presentation with rubric: Teacher will evaluate students performance with rubric. Including the content, organization, visual aids, and communication skills during the presentation.

Other Materials:

  1. Textbooks and Workbooks: Comprehensive textbooks designed for learning Chinese can provide structured lessons, vocabulary, grammar explanations, reading passages, and exercises.

  2. Language Apps: Chinese language learning apps like "HelloChinese," "Pleco," and "Du Chinese" offer interactive lessons, vocabulary practice, and character recognition exercises.

  3. Online Resources: Websites like "ChinesePod," "FluentU," and "Popup Chinese" provide audio and video lessons, vocabulary practice, and cultural insights.

  4. Chinese Characters: Resources for learning Chinese characters include flashcards, character writing practice books, and apps like "Skritter."

  5. Audio Materials: Podcasts, audiobooks, and audio lessons can help improve listening comprehension and pronunciation.

  6. Videos and Movies: Watching Chinese movies, TV shows, and YouTube videos can enhance listening skills and expose students to natural language use.

  7. Language Exchanges: Participating in language exchange programs or online platforms can provide opportunities to practice speaking with native Chinese speakers.

  8. Cultural Materials: Materials that introduce Chinese culture, traditions, customs, and history can enhance understanding and provide context for language use.

  9. Authentic Texts: Reading materials like news articles, short stories, and children's books can expose students to authentic written Chinese.

  10. Writing Practice: Worksheets and exercises that focus on writing Chinese characters and sentences help develop writing skills.


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