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  • Writer's pictureMu Mei Hsueh

Gap Years for high students in Taiwan (Youth Education and Employment Savings Account Program)

Updated: Sep 27, 2022

M2 U1 Activity 2: Laws and Policies that Affect Teaching

Project Description

Overview Laws impact teaching and learning in a nation's schools. Governments may require all children of a specific age to attend school. They may determine the subjects to be taught. Governments in some countries have outlawed the segregation of schools, opened classrooms to students with disabilities, required bilingual education or English as a second language for English language learners, and/or mandated students to take standardized tests annually. These laws and policies can have a great impact on the everyday lives of students and teachers. In this activity, you will create a video on one of the laws or policies that affect education in the country in which you are living or in your home country. Performance outcomes

  • Candidates demonstrate their understanding of how laws and policies impact schools, students and teachers' day-to-day activities

What will you do?

1. Create a 5-minute video that reviews one law or policy that affects the day-to-day functioning of schools, students, and teachers in the country in which you are living or in your home country. The video presentation should:

  • Describe accurately the selected law or policy

  • Discuss the historical and current perspective on the selected law/policy as well as its strengths and weaknesses

  • Reflect on how the law or policy affects schools in general and teaching and learning in particular

  • Include your first and last name in the video

2. Use a video editing tool to annotate your video with text transitions to highlight the key ideas in your video. Be sure that your first and last name is included in your video.

(The above information was cited from the TEACH-NOW Teacher Preparation Certificate Program)

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