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  • Writer's pictureMu Mei Hsueh

Designing a STEAM Project- Cooking Oil Recycling Project

Updated: Sep 27, 2022

M3 U4 Activity 2: Designing a STEAM Project

Project Description

Overview Now that you have worked out the broad theme and goals of your cohort’s STEAM project, it is time to apply it to your students for a specific grade level and subject area. Think about how your students can be part of the big project but also complete specific activities related to a topic area in the subject. Try to look for topics that have cross-curricular themes and easily lend themselves across different subject areas. Most importantly select goals and design objectives that adequately and appropriately challenge all your students. Finally, find tasks and activities that students complete that will hold interest and engagement value for students at the same time provide them with the adequate autonomy to achieve those tasks. You want to build a culture where students feel responsible for their own learning.

Performance outcomes

  • Candidates will design a STEAM project for the subject and grade level they plan to teach.

What will you do?

  1. Review the STEAM project theme, goals, cross-curricular goals that you designed last week with your cohort. Narrow the topical focus of the STEAM project to your subject area but ensure that you do not deviate from the broad theme and goals decided with your cohort group.

  2. Individually, create a new Google Site or Wix page and link it to the previous week’s Google Site/Wix that was created by the group. Include the following sections:

    • Subject-specific Learning Objectives (and any separate instructional objectives)

    • Specific Project Work Description, including examples of how students will use 21st Century skills in the project and how different components of STEAM is implemented throughout the project to gain deeper understanding of the subject matter

    • Description of the Evaluation Process, including student peer reviews and student use of 21st Century skills

    • Signature (your first name and last name) and References

Report requirements

  • Google Site/Wix with STEAM Project description linked to cohort/group Project theme

(The above information was cited from the TEACH-NOW Teacher Preparation Certificate Program)

My Work


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