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Challenges of Tomorrow & How to Preparing our Students for the Future

Writer's picture: Mu Mei HsuehMu Mei Hsueh

Updated: Sep 27, 2022

M3 U2 Activity 1: Challenges of Tomorrow

Project Description

Overview As an educator in the 21st Century, it is important for you to answer the question, “What year are you preparing your students for?” Traditional schooling and assessments that are prevalent from the industrial age are no longer valuable learning experiences for students. It is your responsibility as an educator to prepare your students for a newer, digitally advanced, world where many of today’s jobs won’t exist by the time the students enter the world of work. In this activity, you will be using the time in your weekly virtual class to begin the discussion on the challenges of tomorrow that your students will face and brainstorm ideas with your cohort on how you will prepare them for these challenges.

Performance outcomes

  • Candidates discuss the challenges students will face in the future and brainstorm possible ways they can equip, enable, and empower students to face these challenges

What will you do?

  1. Look at the shift in top 10 skills from 2022 in this infographic from the World of Economic Forum, Future of Jobs Report.

  2. In the Virtual Class this week, discuss the challenges you think students will face when they finish school and enter the workspace. As educators, how will you equip, enable, and empower your students to face the challenges of tomorrow?

  3. Continue the discussion in the Discussion Forum with your cohort.

  4. Create a Flipgrid for your cohort. Reflect on what you learned from these discussions in a Flipgrid. As a cohort, list at least 5 challenges and possible solutions to each challenge. Each member of the cohort will create 5 minute video reflections on Flipgrid discussing challenges and solutions.

  5. Submit the link to the cohort Flipgrid.

Report requirements

  • Cohort Flipgrid on the Challenges of Tomorrow

(The above information are cited from TEACH-NOW Teacher Preparation Certificate Program)

My video

I chose a topic about "character Education" which is also "works ethic", such as honesty, respect, and self-control.... As I think this is the foundation for everything, no one can really succeed at a high level without a work ethic that comes from good characters.

According to Michigan State University:

Good character education can provide ground rules for life for adults and young people, and it stresses the importance of helping children learn and practice behaviors that reflect universal ethical values. It allows children and youth become:

  • Conscious of the right thing to do.

  • Committed to doing the right thing.

  • Competent in doing the right thing.

However, in the Asian social context with education is exam-oriented, grades are the key to determining the success of children. For most parents and students, nothing is more important than getting a good grade and passing exams to enter a good school, so they will stop at nothing to get what they want, even if they have to cheat or lie. That's why I think it is an important topic right now and in the future.

Group Work


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