M6 U2 A1: Goals and Objectives

Project Description
Overview Once you have your Curriculum Map ready, you can start drilling down into the specifics of a unit. A unit typically constitutes a series of lessons to cover one standard or topic. The first step in the unit planning process is to design goals and objectives. First you must learn the difference between goals and objectives. A goal statement describes an overarching outcome of an instructional unit. A learning objective states one of several specific performances. A single goal may have several learning objectives, the achievement of which leads to attaining the goal. In this activity, you will begin your unit plan by writing the goal and objectives for the unit for which you unpacked the standard.
Performance outcome
Candidates will explore the difference between goals and objectives.
Candidates will create an overarching goal and objectives for an unpacked standard.
What will you do?
Discuss the difference between goals and objectives with your Cohort in the Virtual Classroom and Discussion Forum.
Download the Unit Plan template from the Activity Resources, and fill out the first two sections on Goals and Objectives for a previously unpacked standard. Your unit should have at least five lessons, and can have more. (If you cannot think of five lessons that address the standard you unpacked you will need to unpack another standard).
Through the Comments section on their Submission page, review at least two other Cohort members’ unit goals and objectives to evaluate:
The goal - is it overarching and appropriate?
The objectives - are they specific, adequate, and appropriate to meet the goal aligned to varying levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy? Objectives should be SMART; specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, time-bound.
Do they include the literacy skills learned in the unit?
Write a summary of your peer reviews on your Submission page.
Report requirements
Unit Plan document with the Goals and Objectives section filled out
Peer review of at least two other peers’ goals and objectives
Summary of the peer reviews
(The above information was cited from the TEACH-NOW Teacher Preparation Certificate Program)
My Work
Activity Resources
A goal statement describes an overarching outcome of an instructional unit. A learning objective states one of several specific performances. A single goal may have several learning objectives, the achievement of which leads to attaining the goal. (Claire Carter 2022)
-The difference between goals and objectives
Goals determine the broad, long-term outcomes to achieve. They give the overarching direction for the plan and define where we want to be in the future.
Objectives are the specific actions and measurable steps to reach the goals. Objectives give a clear understanding of the specific tasks that need to be completed in order to get closer to the target goal.
The objective is specific and quantifiable. The goal is bigger for a longer term.
-The relationship between standards, units, goals, and objectives:
They are like Russian dolls. Several units fit under one standard. Several goals for each unit. Several objectives for each goal.