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  • Writer's pictureMu Mei Hsueh

Workshop for Teachers and Parents

M8 U10 Activity 1: Leadership and Collaboration - InTASC Standard 10 Project

Project Description

Overview In this unit you will focus on presenting your leadership project that you implemented at your school based on the project proposal you shared with your mentor, instructor and cohort in Unit 4. You can also refer to the elements of Standard 10 on the TEACH-NOW rubric for indicators on how you will be evaluated on that standard during the final evaluation.

Performance outcomes

  • Candidates seek appropriate leadership roles and opportunities to take responsibility for student learning and to collaborate with students, families, colleagues, or other professionals to ensure student growth and advancement of the profession

What will you do?

  1. Create and submit a presentation using a tool of your choice to present your project work. Include your project plan in your presentation along with a description of how you are meeting the requirements of Standard 10 on Leadership and Collaboration, i.e. Cohort Collaboration, Teacher as a Leader taking Responsibility for Student Learning, Involvement in School-wide Efforts, and Building a Learning Community.

  2. Write or record a reflection on the impact that your leadership project had on you, your students, and the school community at large. What lessons have you learned by planning and implementing this project? How will those lessons impact your future actions in the classroom and in potential leadership roles?

Report requirements

  • Leadership Project implemented at the candidate’s school

  • Reflection on Impact of Leadership Project

Notes Showcase your hard work and commitment to school and community by sharing your leadership project with your network! Share with your personal and professional communities on social media. This is an excellent artifact for your e-portfolio, as well.

(The above information was cited from the TEACH-NOW Teacher Preparation Certificate Program)

My Work

Although two plans were initially proposed for the workshop for teachers and parents - Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) and Workshop for Parent-Child Education, due to the circumstances, I was only able to implement the Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) plan. Therefore, my presentation will focus solely on this plan. Here are the details for Workshop for Teachers and Parents

  • Plan 1: Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)

  • Plan 2: Workshop for parent-child education

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