M8 U1 A2: Self-Assessment of Teaching
Project Description
Overview Teacher performance is assessed regularly by administrators or other teachers against a set of standards developed by a school, school district, or state to help teachers improve their practice. These assessments may lead to the development of a plan to help teachers become more effective teachers. Following the same model, your teaching performance will be assessed periodically by your instructor and mentor in Module 8 using the InTASC standards in the TEACH-NOW Clinical Rubric. Furthermore, we would like you to practice becoming a reflective practitioner by completing a self-assessment of your teaching practice based on your first recorded and submitted video lesson. This will be the baseline against which you can measure your progress as you develop your skills through the next 12 weeks. The intent is for you to see your growth as you progress through your clinical practice. Whether you are currently teaching or have not taught in the past, you may score below the proficient level when you begin clinical practice. Over the 12-weeks of clinical practice, you should become more confident and proficient, leading to higher scores on the rubric. By the time of the final overall evaluation of your performance in Unit 12, you are expected to be proficient in each of the 10 InTASC standards in the Clinical Rubric. This method of scoring encourages you to improve your teaching performance as you progress through the module. Instructors are looking at growth over 12 weeks. Performance outcomes
Candidates demonstrate an understanding of the InTASC standards by using the TEACH-NOW Clinical Rubric to assess their own teaching performance.
What will you do?
Review the TEACH-NOW Clinical Rubric thoroughly.
View the video you submitted in Activity 1 at least two times. For the first viewing, watch the video from start to finish in one session without interruption. For the second viewing, pause the video and note the specific time you demonstrate evidence of a particular InTASC standard. Justify the ratings that you give, making specific reference to the examples and how you demonstrated mastery of the standard.
Utilize your notes to reflect and evaluate your current level of mastery on InTASC standards 1 to 9.
Report requirements
Self-assessment using the TEACH-NOW Clinical Rubric
Notes with explanation for each rating with timestamp references
Notes Your overall module score in other modules is an average of unit scores. In Module 8, your instructor will assign you a score based on your performance in the following five areas, as these are critical skills for the teaching profession:
Teaching performance and growth (Mentor & Self Evaluations)
Practice & application (VC assignments)
Ability to reflect & implement feedback
Engagement, Participation & Collaboration
Dispositions & Professionalism
(The above information was cited from the TEACH-NOW Teacher Preparation Certificate Program)