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Planning for Parenting Workshop (Leadership and Collaboration)

Writer's picture: Mu Mei HsuehMu Mei Hsueh

M8 U4 Activity 2: Planning for Leadership and Collaboration

Project Description

Overview In Unit 10, you will demonstrate your leadership and collaboration skills through a project that you implement at your school. In preparation for this project, you will share a project proposal with your cohort, mentor and instructor this week. Once you have received feedback from your cohort, mentor, and instructor, you will implement your project over the next several weeks and be ready to submit a presentation outlining the various details of the project as well as a reflection of the impact that the project had on you, your students, and your school community.

Performance outcomes

  • Candidates seek appropriate leadership roles and opportunities to take responsibility for student learning and to collaborate with students, families, colleagues, or other professionals to ensure student growth and advancement of the profession

What will you do?

  1. This week you will develop a project proposal for leading a team of teachers in your subject area at your school. You can even choose to design a cross-curricular or global themes project involving other faculty members, staff at your school, parents, and the local community. You will be implementing and submitting a presentation of the project In Unit 10, which gives you around six weeks to work on it.

  2. You can read the articles in the Activity Resources to help you get started. Remember that you will be the teacher leader in this project.

  3. Discuss your ideas for your project focus with your cohort in the Virtual Classroom and Discussion Forum.

  4. Make use of the professional learning network (PLN) you have within your cohort, mentor, instructor, and colleagues at your school to find resources and project topics.

  5. Your project proposal should include the following:

    1. Project Purpose - why are you doing this project?

    2. Project Objective - what you plan to achieve through this project?

    3. Project Impact - how will the project impact the students, faculty, the school’s mission, parents, and local community?

    4. Project Description - explain the project idea including who will be involved in implementing it and in what capacity. Be sure to include how the project idea aligns with the school’s mission, vision, and values.

    5. Project Implementation Plan & Timeline - when during the school calendar year do you plan to implement this project and major milestones of the project? (Note that you will be implementing the project or a portion of it in the next few weeks)

    6. Tools for Measuring Success - what success criteria will you use to measure the outcomes of this project?

  6. Share this project proposal with your mentor, cohort, and instructor. Get the necessary approvals from your school to implement the project. Tip: You could request an informal interview with a school administrator to understand what type of projects would help further the school’s mission and vision and demonstrate your involvement in school-wide efforts.

  7. Give feedback comments on at least two other cohort member’s project proposals.

  8. You can choose any presentation format or tool to present your final project. Keep a record of your project implementation in the form of pictures, video shorts, and logs to include in your presentation in Unit 10.

Report requirements

  • Project proposal for implementing a leadership project

  • Peer Comments on at least two cohort peers

Notes As you review the work you have completed in the program so far, remember to update the e-portfolio you started at the beginning of the program. You will be submitting the final e-portfolio towards the end of the program.

My Work

Workshop for parent-child education

Project Purpose - why are you doing this project?

  • During teaching, I found that many Asian parents lack knowledge of parent-child communication. They don't know how to deal with parent-child conflicts in a proper and appropriate way. Therefore, this project aims to provide parental involvement education courses and activities to help parents acquire effective positive management education knowledge and skills to reduce the use of punishment in managing their children and promote positive parent-child interactions within the family.

Project Objective - what do you plan to achieve through this project?

  • The goal of this project is to help parents with children in grades 1-6 understand how to manage their own emotions and teach their children to do the same.

(1) Improve recognition and regulation of positive and negative emotions and assist children in their development.

(2) Encourage mutual acceptance and respect between parents and children, and learn methods for expressing and communicating emotions.

How having a goal of teaching parents to role-model positive behavior?

  • Promote emotional expression and communication between parents and children.

(1) Advocate for active/positive listening, and strengthen expressions of love and concern.

(2) Encourage the creation of supportive and accompanying family interaction methods and memories.

(3) Resolution of parent-child conflicts and repair of relationships.

(4) Emotional education (enhance emotional observation, expression, and management in parent-child interactions).

Project Impact - how will the project impact the students, faculty, the school’s mission, parents, and local community?

  • Students: The project will benefit the students by improving their emotional regulation and expression, which can lead to better interpersonal relationships, academic performance, and overall well-being.

  • Faculty: The project may also benefit the faculty by creating a more supportive and positive school environment, as well as reducing conflicts between students and parents.

  • School’s mission: The project aligns with the school's mission by promoting positive interactions between parents, children, and faculty and by providing educational resources to support student's growth and development. The school will benefit from having their students become better problem solvers and be more international.

  • Parents: The project will impact parents by providing them with knowledge and skills to effectively manage their own emotions and improve their relationships with their children.

  • Local community: The project can also have a positive impact on the local community by creating a more supportive and positive environment and by providing resources to families in need. By promoting positive interactions between families, the project can contribute to reducing conflicts and promoting community well-being.

Project Description - explain the project idea including who will be involved in implementing it and in what capacity. Be sure to include how the project idea aligns with the school’s mission, vision, and values.

  • Lecturer: Invite lecturers who possess the necessary expertise and experience required for the theme of the activity. Great idea!

  • Participants: Aimed at any parents or teachers who are interested in grades G1 to G6.

  • Implementation method: Invite educational experts or teachers to interact with parents in a small group format to discuss educational topics such as:

(1) How to Help Children with Self-Emotional Management

(2) How to Establish Children's Problem-Solving Ability

(3 )How to Handle Sibling Conflicts.

Project Implementation Plan & Timeline - When do you plan to implement this project during the school calendar year and what major milestones of the project?

  • During a time when there is a lull in the school's schedule and students and parents are available to participate, such as during school breaks or weekends.

  • The major milestones of the project, may include securing funding, selecting and inviting guest speakers, promoting the project to parents and students, arranging the venue, and conducting the seminars.

  • Will the parents, students, lecturers, teachers and other relevant people only attend once? Or will this happen once a week over the course of a few weeks? Or do you have another timeline like this?

Tools for Measuring Success - what success criteria will you use to measure the outcomes of this project?

  • Attendance rate and feedback from participants, will indicate their level of interest and engagement in the topics. Additionally, recommendations and suggestions from participants will be considered to improve future iterations of the project.

  • The development of increased confidence and problem-solving skills in children leads to long-term positive effects on their academic and personal growth, as evidenced by feedback from teachers and assessments.

  • The relationship between parents and children or parents and teachers with regards to emotional management and communication skills have been improved through surveys and observation.

  • Reduced conflicts and improved communication between parents and teachers, as reported by the school administration.

  • How about a survey a month after this project ends?

Reference: Taipei Family Education Center's "Love and Companionship" Parenting Education Promotion Plan from 2019.



  • 在任教過程中發現很多亞洲家長缺乏親子溝通的相關知識,面對親子衝突發生不知如何用正確合宜的方式來應對。因此期望此計畫可以提供家長親職教育課程及活動,幫助家長習得有效的正向管理教育知識及能力來減少懲罰管教孩子的方式,並促進家庭成員營造良性親子互動關係。


  • 幫助家裡有國小一到六年級的家長了解如何自我的情緒管理及教導孩子如何做情緒管理。 (1)提升對正、負向情緒的認識與調適,並協助子女發展。 (2)鼓勵親子相互接納與尊重,學習情緒表達與疏通的方法

  • 促進親子情感的表達與溝通。 (1)倡導主動/積極傾聽,加強表達愛與關懷。 (2)鼓勵創造具有支持陪伴功能的家庭互動方式與回憶。 (3)親子衝突的處理與關係的修補。 (4)情緒教育(增進親子互動之情緒覺察、表達及管理)


  • 學生:該項目將通過改善他們的情緒調節和表達使學生受益,這可以帶來更好的人際關係、學業成績和整體幸福感。

  • 教職員工:該項目還可以通過創造更加支持和積極的學校環境以及減少學生與家長之間的衝突來使教職員工受益。

  • 學校使命:該項目通過促進家長、孩子和教師之間的積極互動,並提供教育資源來支持學生的成長和發展,從而與學校的使命保持一致。 學校將受益於讓他們的學生成為更好的問題解決者並且更加國際化。

  • 父母:該項目將通過為父母提供知識和技能來有效地管理自己的情緒並改善他們與孩子的關係。

  • 當地社區:該項目還可以通過創造更具支持性和積極性的環境,以及為有需要的家庭提供資源,對當地社區產生積極影響。 通過促進家庭之間的積極互動,該項目有助於減少衝突和促進社區福祉。

項目描述 - 請務必包括項目理念如何與學校的使命、願景和價值觀保持一致。

  • 講師對象: 邀請講師應具備該活動主題所需專長及經驗。

  • 參與對象: 針對任何G1-G6有興趣的家長或教師。

  • 辦理方式:邀請教育專家或老師與家長用小團體方式來互動討論教育主題課程,主題如下:

親子講座- 如何協助孩子自我情緒管理

親子講座- 如何建立孩子"自己"解決問題能力

親子講座- 手足衝突怎麼辦?

項目實施計劃和時間表 - 您計劃在學年的什麼時候實施該項目以及該項目的主要里程碑?

  • 在學校日程安排暫停且學生和家長可以參加的時間段內,例如學校放假或週末。

  • 至於計劃的主要里程碑,可能包括籌措資金、選拔及邀請演講嘉賓、向家長及學生推廣計劃、安排場地及舉辦講座等。


  • 參與者的出席率和反饋,表明對主題的興趣和參與度及提出的改進建議。

  • 根據教師報告和/或通過評估衡量,兒童的信心和解決問題的能力得到提高,並對他們的學業和個人成長產生長期的積極影響。

  • 通過調查和觀察證明,父母與孩子或家長和老師對情緒管理和溝通技巧的關係得到改善。

  • 根據學校行政部門的報告,減少了父母與教師之間的衝突並改善了溝通。


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