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  • Writer's pictureMu Mei Hsueh

Peer Review of Video Lessons for InTASC Standards 4 and 5

M8 U7 Activity 1: Peer Review of Video Lessons for InTASC Standards 4 and 5

Project Description

Overview When planning for instruction, use of data to adjust lessons to meet the needs of your students is a critical component. This week you will be using lesson plans and videos to 1) determine if the plan and the lesson are the same and 2) make modifications to the lesson plan for a “reteach” situation. Remember that for some students the lesson may have been too easy and for others too hard. Decide how you will make accommodations to meet the needs of all students. You may have to watch each video several times in order to catch each area that needs to be modified. Remember to be kind when making comments, but remain objective so that you and your peers can improve your teaching practice through this process. Your video will also be assessed by 2 peers, so you will be immersed in the entire evaluation process.

Performance Outcomes

  • Candidates will review, analyze, and evaluate peers’ lessons and give feedback and recommendations for improvements, next steps, and extensions.

What will you do?

  1. Watch and annotate the videos of 2 peers as assigned by your instructor on InTASC Standards 4 and 5 of the TEACH-NOW Clinical Rubric. Use the Peer Review Template for InTASC Standards 4 and 5 in the Activity Resources to record your peer reviews for this activity.

    • As you watch each video, stop and note the timestamp, observation, and feedback in the Peer Review template.

    • Compare the lesson plan to the lesson taught. Were the plan and the lesson the same? If they differed, how did they differ? Annotate the lesson plans to show the changes that need to be made to accommodate below and above grade level learners.

    • Use the TEACH-NOW Clinical rubric to rate the videos on Standards 4 and 5, and explain the justification behind the rating score on each element.

    • Recognize the glows and grows of the lesson from planning to implementation and provide the following details in your feedback evaluation.

  2. Post a link to each completed Peer Review document on the Submission page of this activity labeled with the name of the peer you reviewed.

Report Requirements

  • 2 peer reviews using the Peer Review Template, with annotated lesson plans

(The above information was cited from the TEACH-NOW Teacher Preparation Certificate Program)

First peer

Second peer


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