M2 U2 Activity 2: Teaching Diverse Students

Project Description
Overview In today's world, diversity in classrooms is a norm rather than an exception. As a result, teachers need to differentiate instruction to meet the individual needs of students based on their gender, ethnic and racial backgrounds, socioeconomic status, native language, talents, differing abilities, and disabilities. Though our classrooms may appear homogeneous, we need to take the time to analyze the diversity in our classrooms so we can provide adequate support and instruction. We need to remember each student brings unique experience, strengths and ideas to our classrooms. In this activity, you will analyze student diversity in the classroom and identify teaching strategies that will help you differentiate instruction to meet the needs of all your students. Performance outcome
Candidates analyze school and classroom diversity to diagnose diverse students’ learning needs and identify ways to create a positive and inclusive learning environment
What will you do?
1. In the Virtual Class and on the Discussion Forum, discuss your experiences with diversity in your current classroom, school or community context. Identify at least 5 areas of diversity in your school context and give examples. Areas of diversity include:
Ethnic and racial backgrounds
Socioeconomic status
Native language (English language learners, Multilingual learners)
Literacy Skills (reading, writing, speaking, and listening)
Gifted and talented
Special needs (e.g. medical conditions, physical limitations, other physical and psychiatric disabilities)
Learning difficulties (e.g. dyslexia, speech and language disability, ADHD, other learning disabilities)
Other (e.g. motivation levels, religious/political beliefs, etc)
2. Research Universal Design for Learning as well as Personalized Learning strategies, structures and programs. Use the Activity Resources as a starting point for your research.
3. Come up with questions you need to consider regarding student diversity and student learning. Think about how you might decide how and when to differentiate instruction. Identify where you would differentiate and what the students' needs are. You can analyze your own classroom or use a sample class profile in the resources section. Where are some areas where students might struggle? Where do you need support?
4. Individually, create one detailed case study of a student who may need differentiation in the classroom. Include information about academics, social/emotional skills, physical challenges, as well as anything else that needs to be considered when differentiating.
5. With a partner, share your case study and the questions you came up with in determining how and when to differentiate instruction. Meet as a small group on Zoom, or another platform, to discuss each case study and ways you might differentiate to meet the needs of the student. Be sure to record the meeting. Tie in information and research from Activity 1 on what impacts student learning. In addition, discuss strategies for teaching diversity and inclusion in the classroom and how you will establish a classroom climate that respects and values diversity. Upload the recording to the Video Library and submit the link to the recording of your group meeting.
Report requirements
Discussion on examples of diversity in the classroom
Questions to identify students in need of differentiation
One case study of a student who may need differentiation
Link to Recorded meeting with your partner discussing case studies and strategies for teaching diversity and inclusion
(The above information was cited from the TEACH-NOW Teacher Preparation Certificate Program)
My Work
My feedback on partner's case
He wants to be loved, but doesn't know how to use the right way to express and get along with others(classmates and family). So he uses a bad temper or violent behavior to express his bad mood. And make the situation even worse. My questions: 1. Dose this boy have physical influences, and need medical treatment? 2. Have this boy received any help from the counseling room in his School? 3. Is it working well by using art to reduce his stress and anger? 4. Have you reported this to school? TA to help? (especially when he has some violent action, and affects others.) 5. How do you react to his bad and good behavior? Suggestions: * Bad attitude/ behavioral problems 1. Praise and reward by focusing on the process he engaged in. 2. Giving feedback with the SBI method (Situation- Behavior- Impact), to let him know how everyone's feeling and guide him to practice and use "the power of the word" correctly. - Situation- When you feel angry in the class today. - Behavior- You were throwing and hitting desks. - Impact- This made us feel scared and stressed. * Possible danger to the teacher and other students: In what ways can I control his emotion so that his anger outburst becomes physical? (brush throwing/ leg rolling / hitting desks) 1. When we help students, we also need to protect ourselves as we can not really control students' emotions, especially since we are not psychotherapists. Inform the situation to his parents, and suggest letting him receive professional treatment (Children's psychotherapy).
2. 3 steps and Cooldown area.
Step 1. Recognize Emotions - Help children to know how to share their feelings, such as anger, fear,, sadness, disappointment, or happiness by asking “how do you feel?”
Step 2. Identifying emotions - Help children to understand the reasons behind these emotions by asking “what happened and why?”
Step 3. Express emotions - Help children to know how to express their inner feelings and needs without hurting others by asking “What do you want?”, “ How do you need me to support or help?” REVISE ACTIVITY