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  • Writer's pictureMu Mei Hsueh

Evaluating a ESL Clinical Practice Lesson

M6 U4 Activity 3: Evaluating a TEACH-NOW ESL Clinical Practice Lesson

Project Description

Overview Teachers need to be able to evaluate a lesson to determine whether or not it meets the lesson objectives and proposed plan of activities. One way to do this is to review a video of a clinical lesson being taught by a Teach-Now candidate. In this activity, you will read an ESL or EFL (English as a Second/Foreign Language) lesson plan for an in person and online class, and watch the video submissions of the lessons. In the U.S. these students are referred to as ELL or English Language Learners. Focus on making constructive feedback by commenting through a narrative to the teacher in the video. This review process will enable you to objectively evaluate and modify your own lesson plans and lesson delivery. Performance outcomes

  • Candidates evaluate a teaching lesson to determine if it effectively meets the lesson objectives and recommend ways to improve the lesson.

What will you do?

  1. Read the ESL/EFL lesson plans from the Activity Resources and watch the videos on the Submission tab.

  2. Watch the videos again, and pause and annotate it at different time segments to identify and analyze:

    • What is working well in the lesson

    • What is not working well in the lesson

    • Deviations from the lesson plan

    • Adjustments to the lesson plan based on student understanding and participation

    • Ways you would do it differently for your students

  3. Use the clinical teaching rubric on the Submission tab to evaluate:

    • Whether the lesson plan activities address the objective

    • Whether the video determined if the teacher implemented the plan as written

    • Whether the teacher made positive or negative deviations from the lesson plan in the lesson Note: Your mentor will be using a similar rubric to evaluate your lessons during the clinical practice portion of the program.

  4. Write an overall feedback, explaining your rating and suggest ways to improve the lesson and recognize the strengths of the lesson.

  5. Write a reflection on how you would use or not use techniques planned or used by the teacher in your own lessons and why.

Report Requirements

  • Video Annotation of the ESL/EFL lessons

  • Lesson evaluations on the rubric with an explanation of the ratings

  • Overall narrative feedback on the lessons

  • Reflection on applying techniques to your own lessons

(The above information was cited from the TEACH-NOW Teacher Preparation Certificate Program)

My Work

Video 1

Video 2


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