M3 U4 Activity 1: Game Design for Learning

Project Description
This week you will continue the game design exercise you started last week and design the details of your game. Use the feedback you received from your peers and instructor and update the scope of your game. Sometimes you may want to go a different route completely because the original game idea is not working out. That is okay. This is part of the iterative process of design thinking and innovation. However, don’t keep waiting for the perfect game design to come to you. Only when you implement your game with students, will you see more clearly its flaws as well as strengths and fine tune it to fit the learning needs of your students. Focus on two things only: game engagement value and learning value, i.e. how interesting will the game be for your students and how deeply will they learn the topic.
Performance outcome
Candidates design an educational game to help students meet a learning objective in the subject area and grade level they plan to teach
Candidates incorporate peer review feedback to improve their instructional design skills and enhance student learning outcomes
What will you do?
Design an educational game that addresses a specific learning objective in the subject and grade level that you teach or plan to teach. Think objectively (not emotionally) about the feedback you received from your peers and instructor on your game idea and use that as the starting point of this activity.
Continue and complete the Game Design template document i.e. Object of the Game, Design Details, and Design Process. Feel free to modify the earlier sections based on peer and instructor feedback that you received.
Include a visual mock-up that communicates the look and feel of your game. Try to keep in mind an online version of your game, especially if students are going to complete it remotely.
Be sure to include your signature (first and last name) on your original work.
Report requirements
Complete Game Design document
Game URL or a visual mock-up picture file
(The above information was cited from the TEACH-NOW Teacher Preparation Certificate Program)