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Writer's pictureMu Mei Hsueh

What is Response to Intervention (RTI)? (Data Driven Instruction)

Updated: Jan 23, 2023

M5 U3 Activity 1: Response to Intervention

Project Description

Overview Many schools use Response to Intervention (RTI) to monitor student performance and identify needed interventions to improve student learning. In this activity, you will work with your Cohort to learn more about the RTI framework and identify resources and strategies that can be used to support students throughout the process. You will then describe how you would apply the RTI process to a student case study. Performance outcomes

  • Candidates will examine the RTI framework and apply it to meet student academic needs.

What will you do?

  1. Research and discuss with your Cohort the essential components of RTI, i.e. screening, progress monitoring, the multi-level prevention system, and data-based decision making.

  2. In the discussion forum, share valuable resources and videos that you find that can be utilized to deepen your understanding and implementation of the essential components of the RTI process. Then explain your current understanding of the RTI process.

  3. Find or write a student case study (at the grade level that you are teaching) describing an academic problem.

  4. Describe how you would screen and identify the student in the case study as needing extra support. You can include questions you could ask, assessments you could give, or information you would gather.

  5. Identify where the student may fall on the RTI model and then write the plan for intervention. Include specific strategies that describe how you would apply the 3-tiered RTI approach to the student case study, assuming that student is in your classroom. Include examples of activities and assessments in your subject area to illustrate your intervention plan. Consider progress monitoring and online tools.

Report Requirements

  • Share RTI resources in the discussion forum

  • Apply RTI approach to a student case study with examples of activities and assessments and also include a plan for intervention.

(The above information was cited from the TEACH-NOW Teacher Preparation Certificate Program)



  • The key to accelerating rather than remediating is determining the critical skills and concepts that students are missing and providing scaffolds that will bridge gaps while teaching the missing skills with surgical precision and efficiency.

Questions from preview:

1.What's the difference between Response to Intervention (RTI) & Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS).

2. Remediation is strategic and targeted and involves using differentiated modes of instruction to meet the needs of all students. So, are accommodation and modification belong to Remediation?

3. Accelerating: Instead let students receive Chinese general support and practice, focus on the critical skills and concepts that students are missing, and providing scaffolds that will bridge gaps while teaching the missing skills.

Not only happy in a large majority of students. Can I use this in the Intervention Tier 2.

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